Alexander Isaac Young

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Address: 1202-390 Bay St, Toronto, ON, M5H 2Y2
Lawyer Firm: Gardiner Miller Arnold LLP
Phone: (416) 363-2614
Fax: (416) 363-8451

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Corporate and Commercial Law, Real Property

Alex joined Gardiner Miller Arnold LLP as an associate in 2015. Alex’s areas of practice include condominium, corporate/commercial and real estate law.

In 2011, Alex graduated with distinction from the Richard Ivey School of Businessat the University of Western Ontario, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Honours Business Administration. In his summers during undergraduate, Alex honed his writing skills working for a publisher of medical journals. Following business school, Alex transferred his passion for business and writing to his legal studies atOsgoode Hall Law School, where he focused on business law courses and worked as a research assistant for his commercial law professor. Alex graduated from Osgoode in 2014 and was called to the Bar of Ontario in 2015.

While at Osgoode, Alex developed an interest in social justice. During his three years of law school, he worked as both an intake volunteer and caseworker for the school’s Community and Legal Aid Services Program, performed grant research for Ryerson’s Law Research Centre through Pro Bono Students Canada and was part of the communications team for the re-launched Journal of Law and Social Policy. During his summers, Alex interned at Law Help Ontario, a civil litigation project sponsored by Pro Bono Law Ontario, and North Peel & Dufferin Community Legal Services, a legal clinic focusing on landlord/tenant and Ontario Disability Support Program matters. He also worked for Community Living Ontario, an organization which advocates for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and was temporarily seconded to a law firm focusing on estate planning for families with disabled members. Following law school, Alex articled at a full service firm in the Niagara region, where he had the opportunity to hone his knowledge and skills in corporate/commercial and real estate law.

Through his volunteer and work experiences, Alex has demonstrated his dedication to helping those who lack the means to help themselves. He believes that the key to effective lawyering is being attentive to both the goals and constraints of clients.

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