How do you dress well to impress in law?

Not everyone should pursue a career in law. Work-life balance is known to quickly deteriorate when working on large cases (or many small cases), so you’ll need people skills, a strong work ethic, and the ability to go head-to-head with the law if necessary. It’s not all bad news, though. You’ll assist people in recovering from adverse circumstances that can change their lives. Families will be able to stay together or, in other cases, escape some sort of injustice because of you. Where it really counts, you will be making or breaking things. A popped tire on your four-by-four will force you to drive one of your weekend sports cars to work for the day, but in exchange, the average returns on remuneration packages aren’t half bad. Not at all a bad career choice, then. The only issue is that you might not know what to wear for your first legal position. No matter if this is a position in family law, debt litigation, personal injury law, or another area of law. Let’s look at it.

Always feel free to inquire

As simple as it may seem, law firms frequently have strict dress codes (making the right first impression on clients usually includes a guide on what to wear), so you could just ask your employer for the dos and don’ts. In general, you can anticipate that all law firms will adhere to impeccable standards for attire. In fact, how you present yourself can determine whether a client chooses to have your law firm represent their interests or one of your competitors. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the standard dress code exists.

The rest will come if you get the fundamentals right

Start with a tailored suit in a neutral color—avoid anything oversized that might suggest you’re borrowing the outfit. In practice, this means using shades of grey and blue, with black serving as a fallback due to how much lint it will highlight. Pair your suit with classy shoes in black or brown leather that have been polished, obviously.

Stay away from wearing t-shirts, sportswear, and flip-flops. Jewelry is acceptable, but keep it in check (aim for no more than three pieces for a tasteful finish). Strong perfume or aftershave in excess may also be looked down upon, as well as facial piercings and visible tattoos. Instead, pick a subtle, light-weight daytime scent.