What Do Lawyers Look For In Jury Selection?

In the realm of the judicial system, the role of the jury is paramount. They hold the power to determine the outcome of a case, influencing the lives of both the accused and the complainant. This weighty responsibility rests on the premise of an impartial jury. But what factors do lawyers consider when selecting these jurors? In this article, we’ll explore the meticulous and strategic process of jury selection and delve into what lawyers specifically seek.

The Art and Science of Jury Selection

Why Jury Selection Matters

The sanctity of the courtroom lies in its commitment to fairness and objectivity. It’s a place where facts should triumph over biases and opinions. Jurors, as the heart of this system, play a pivotal role in ensuring justice. However, their personal biases, experiences, and opinions might color their judgment. This makes the process of jury selection, formally referred to as ‘voir dire,’ absolutely vital. The defense and the prosecution both strive to curate a panel that will approach the case with balance and impartiality.

Key Factors Lawyers Consider

While lawyers navigate through the complexities of jury selection, they typically prioritize several crucial factors:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, race, and occupation often provide subtle hints about potential biases or leanings. Though it’s imperative to steer clear of discrimination, these demographic pointers serve as markers for deeper exploration.
  • Personal Background: A juror’s life story can deeply influence their perspective. Being a victim of a related crime or having ties with the law enforcement community can sway opinions, either consciously or subconsciously.
  • Body Language: Actions often speak louder than words. Lawyers meticulously observe non-verbal cues to understand a juror’s feelings. Signs of hostility, boredom, or excessive sympathy can be red flags.
  • Opinions on Controversial Issues: In certain cases, a juror’s stance on polarizing subjects like the death penalty, gun control, or police actions can be pivotal. These opinions often reflect deeper beliefs and values.

Juror Questionnaire: The Starting Point

To streamline the ‘voir dire’ process, many lawyers initiate the selection with a standard questionnaire. This document captures basic yet insightful details about the potential jurors. More than just a preliminary step, it forms the bedrock upon which lawyers construct their subsequent lines of questioning, ensuring that the jury assembled is best suited for the trial at hand.

Strategies Employed by Lawyers in Jury Selection

The jury selection process is as intricate as the chessboard, with lawyers meticulously crafting strategies to ensure an impartial jury. They employ a series of techniques, both traditional and modern, to navigate this complex arena. Here’s a deep dive into some of the core tactics.

Building a Connection

Beyond the legalese and courtroom dynamics, personal connections form the cornerstone of the selection process. When a lawyer can establish a genuine rapport with a potential juror, several benefits emerge:

  • Trust: A bond of trust allows lawyers to gain candid responses from potential jurors during the selection phase.
  • Insight: This connection can provide lawyers with a profound understanding of the juror’s inherent biases, experiences, and potential leanings in the trial.
  • Foreseeing Challenges: A connection enables attorneys to anticipate any hurdles a juror might pose during the deliberation process.

Challenging Jurors: The Art of Peremptory Challenges

The peremptory challenge is a potent tool in the hands of lawyers. These challenges grant both sides the authority to:

  1. Remove: Lawyers can exclude certain jurors without offering an explicit reason.
  2. Balance: These challenges help to maintain a jury that is unbiased and neutral to the case’s specifics.
  3. Strategy: Lawyers must judiciously use their limited number of peremptory challenges, ensuring they retain the most suitable jurors for their case.

Jury Selection in the Digital Age

The digital revolution hasn’t spared the sanctum of the courtroom. Social media, with its vast and varied platforms, provides a treasure trove of insights:

Unearthing Digital Footprints

  • Opinion Mining: Platforms like Twitter or Facebook can offer lawyers glimpses into potential jurors’ opinions on relevant or tangential subjects.
  • Associations and Affiliations: Group memberships or page likes might indicate biases or leanings.
  • Online Interactions: The nature of comments, shares, and reactions can provide an understanding of a person’s temperament and beliefs.


  1. Why is jury selection important?
    Jury selection ensures an unbiased, representative group deliberates on the case, aiming for a fair verdict.
  2. How long does the jury selection process typically take?
    It varies but can range from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the case’s complexity and publicity.
  3. Can a juror lie during voir dire?
    No. Lying during voir dire can lead to penalties, including contempt of court.
  4. How many jurors are typically selected for a trial?
    Typically, 12 jurors are selected, but the number can vary based on jurisdiction and case type.
  5. What happens if a lawyer believes a juror is biased?
    They can challenge the juror either for cause (stating a reason) or use one of their peremptory challenges.


The process of jury selection is both an art and a science, demanding careful consideration from lawyers on both sides of a case. By understanding what lawyers look for in jury selection, we gain a clearer picture of our justice system’s meticulous nature and the lengths taken to ensure fairness and impartiality.