When should I hire an employment lawyer?

Lawyers are frequently the subject of jokes, snide remarks about their lack of morals, and derisive terms like “ambulance chaser” are occasionally used. Actually, having an attorney on your side comes in handy frequently and they provide a valuable service to society.

You need a lawyer’s assistance for a number of things, including buying a house, starting a business, and writing your will. It would be extremely foolish to appear in court unrepresented. Unluckily, there’s a chance that you’ll need an employment lawyer at some point. What scenarios would call for one?

Unjust Termination

You might need, for instance, a Pittsburgh employment lawyer at some point regardless of where you currently reside and work. Losing a job can be traumatic, and you need the assistance of an attorney if you were wrongfully let go. Layoffs may occur as a result of downsizing, poor performance, unsatisfactory attendance, or rules breaking. However, the business has committed a crime if you are fired arbitrarily by your employer due to your race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other personal factor. You should consult a lawyer right away.


All employees should receive equal treatment from their managers, and raises and promotions should always be given based on merit. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, women, people of color, and members of the LGBQT+ community are ignored or mistreated. Discrimination is illegal under labor laws and should never be accepted. Make an appointment with an employment lawyer to discuss your situation and what can be done about it if you believe you have been subjected to discrimination for any reason.

Occupational hazards

No matter what the job entails, employers are required by law to provide a safe workplace. Working with chemicals or being outside in the elements can both be physically risky in certain jobs, such as construction. Even office jobs have risks. Your employer should offer you safety supplies, instruction, and emergency supplies as needed. Extinguishers, sprinklers, and easily accessible fire exits are examples of this.

Additionally, you have the right to be free from bullying or harassment by coworkers. This covers all forms of sexual harassment, including physical and verbal abuse. Unsafe working conditions should not be disregarded and are undoubtedly a good reason to speak with an employment lawyer.

Unfair Wages

No employer is permitted by law to pay employees less than the minimum wage, which is established. You might be employed by a contract that guarantees wages and recurrent raises based on performance in addition to federal or state minimum wage laws.

Additionally, it is not unusual for an employee performing the same task and doing so just as well as another employee in the same position to not be paid at the same rate. Female employees have historically experienced this. Talk to your employer about the unfair pay, and if they don’t make the situation right, you should consider hiring an attorney.

Contract Breach

A contract that details the obligations of the position, the duration of the employment, compensation, benefits, and other aspects of the job may be required to be signed for some positions. By virtue of the law, the contract’s terms must be upheld by both parties. You can file a lawsuit if the employer breaches the terms of the contract by failing to deliver anything that is specified in that legal document. You’ll require a lawyer to accomplish this.

Life isn’t always fair, and there are times when you need a lawyer’s assistance. Do not hesitate to speak with an employment attorney for assistance in resolving the issue if you are dealing with any of these issues at work.