Daniel Romano

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Address: 1 Westmount Square, Suite 711 Montréal, Québec, H3Z 2P9 Canada
Lawyer Firm: KALMAN SAMUELS, Avocats / Attorneys Inc.
Phone: 514-939-1200 Ext:
Fax: 514-939-1201
Email: info@kalmansamuels.com
Website: www.kalmansamuels.com

Areas of Practice
Civil Litigation, Elder Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, International Law, Personal Injury Law

/>Daniel Romano was attracted to the firm of Kalman Samuels, Attorneys due to its reputation as one of the best law firms in Quebec and its well-recognized prominence in the domain of family law and international private law. After the unfortunate passing of Attorney Kalman Samuels, Q.C. in 2011, Daniel Romano was selected to assume leadership of the firm. He continues in this role to this day, carefully balancing the old-school dedication to each client with leading edge management policies designed to help to reduce day-to-day expenses and to maximize office efficiency, thereby allowing the Kalman Samuels legal team to deliver a high end service at a more reasonable cost.

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