David Major

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Address: Bay Adelaide Ctr., East Twr. 22 Adelaide St. W. Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E3
Lawyer Firm: Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Phone: 416-367-6028
Fax: 416-367-2554
Email: dmajor@blg.com
Website: blg.com

First Year of Call
Ontario, 2015

Areas of Practice
Construction Law

David provides practical, strategic advice to owners, contractors, subcontractors, engineers, consultants and surety bonding companies. He specializes in assisting with complex mediation, arbitration and litigation disputes arising from large-scale construction and engineering projects.

David represents clients from the start of a construction project, including with front-end contract drafting and advice related to tendering and procurement processes and disputes that include claims involving:

Breach of contract;
Lien, design and engineering issues;
Errors and omissions;
Construction deficiencies, delay; and
Liquidated damages claims.

David has appeared at Construction Lien Master’s Court, Superior Court and Divisional Court Prior to joining BLG, David was a motivational speaker who presented to more than 100,000 people across Canada, the United States and China.

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