Dirk Henry Laudan

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Address: 1200 Waterfront Ctr, 200 Burrard St, PO Box 48600, Vancouver, BC, V7X 1T2
Lawyer Firm: Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Phone: (604) 687-5744
Fax: (604) 687-1415
Email: dlaudan@blg.com
Website: www.blg.com

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Areas of Practice
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation, Construction Law, Insurance Law

Dirk Laudan practises in the areas of builders liens, construction and surety law, procurement, media law and defamation, commercial litigation, insurance coverage disputes, lobbyist registration, real estate litigation, and electoral law. He acts for clients with respect to surety claims and coverage issues, guarantee and indemnity claims, insurance coverage disputes, directors’ and officers’ liability claims and insurance coverage issues, as well as home warranty claims and coverage issues. He also provides advice and assists with media law and defamation, disputes, government relations compliance, employee fraud recovery claims, risk management in construction, procurement matters, procurement / purchasing advice and drafting, and purchase and leasing disputes.  He is the co-author of the Guide to Builders’ Liens in British Columbia (Carswell).

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