Harold L. Geller

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Address: 500-265 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1S 2E1
Lawyer Firm: MBC Law Professional Corporation
Phone: (613) 233-4474
Fax: (613) 233-8868
Email: hgeller@mbclaw.ca
Website: www.mbclaw.ca

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Elder Law, Insurance Law, Wills, Estates and Trusts

Harold sues financial advisors (life insurance, securities, mutual funds, syndicated mortgages, emerging market dealers, and portfolio managers) across Canada. He is a past member of the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Advisory Panel and a present member of:
1. CBA Elder Law Section Executive
2. OBA Elder Law Section Executive
3. OBA Insurance Law Section Executive
4. Ombudsman of Banking Services’ and Investments Consumer and Investor Advisory Council
5. Ontario Securities Commission Senior’s Expert Advisory Committee

Harold is a leading consumer advocate who frequently comments to the press and to regulators on proposed and existing consumer facing laws, cases and regulatory issues.

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