Kenneth Armstrong
Address: 700-1040 Georgia St W, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4H1
Lawyer Firm: Stewart & Company
Phone: (604) 638-7500
Fax: (604) 638-7501
First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation, Insurance Law, Personal Injury Law
Ken practices insurance defence litigation with Armstrong Naish Trial Lawyers in Vancouver. He was called to the bar in British Columbia in 1996 and has practiced in Vancouver and Westminster County since. He has been a member of provincial council, as a section chair or elected member, virtually non-stop since 1997/98. He served on the branch executive from 1999 to 2002, as a Young Lawyers Representative and an Officer; and in 2012/2013, as an Officer. He returned to the executive in September 2014 and served consecutive three terms as an Officer before being elected Secretary Treasurer for 2017/18, Vice President for 2018/19 and President 2019/20. He is also a dedicated youth sports volunteer. He has coached both baseball and soccer, and currently umpires within the Little League program, where he was lucky enough to be assigned to two World Series: Little League Softball (2015) and Senior League Baseball (2016). He also has a variety of administrative positions within both baseball and soccer.