Lesley Kroeker

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Address: 1 Tache Street, 512, St. Albert, AB, T8N 1B4
Lawyer Firm: Symmetry Family Law
Phone: (780) 459-5555
Email: lesley@symmetrylaw.ca
Website: www.symmetrylaw.ca

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Family Law

Lesley has over a decade of experience working as a family lawyer. She received her law degree (with distinction) from the University of Alberta in 2006. She was called to the Alberta Bar in 2007 and has focused her practice solely on family law, gaining experience as a successful litigator and later developing a practice in mediation, Collaborative Family Law and the arbitration of parenting issues.

In 2019, Lesley made the decision to leave the partnership of a reputable downtown Edmonton full-service law firm to start Symmetry Family Law in her hometown of St. Albert, enabling her to serve clients in the community that she calls home.

Lesley takes a practical, client-focused approach to the practice of family law, seeking the most efficient and effective path to resolution for her clients. Lesley is approachable and enjoys working closely with her clients to meet their needs.

Lesley grew up dancing at a local St. Albert studio and taught dance to many young students during high school and University. In addition to dance, she enjoys yoga, waterskiing, downhill skiing and spending time with her family.

• Board member – Association of Collaborative Family Professionals (Edmonton)
• Member – Canadian Bar Association Family Law Subsection
• Member – Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
• Member – Alberta Family Mediation Society

• Bachelor of Science in Nursing with distinction (University of Alberta) – 2003
• Bachelor of Laws with distinction (University of Alberta) – 2006

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