Lynsey Mincher

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Address: 1300, 707 7 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, T2P 3H6
Lawyer Firm: Mincher Koeman LLP
Phone: 403-910-3000

Areas of Practice
Family Law

Born in Yorkshire, England, Lynsey graduated from the College of Law, York. She initially practiced Criminal Law both as a Defence Lawyer and as a Senior Crown Prosecutor. As a Criminal Lawyer, Lynsey appeared in court on a daily basis prosecuting and defending people charged with various offences. She received training in Domestic Violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and the impact this can have on families and people required to testify. Lynsey also worked in the Magistrates Court advising the Magistrates and the District Judges on law and procedure and was the main advisor to the Magistrates on Youth Criminal matters.
After moving to Canada in 2005, Lynsey worked in the area of Family Law as Director’s Counsel for the Alberta Government, predominantly in the area of Child Protection and enforcement of Support as Counsel for the Director of Maintenance Enforcement. She expanded on her extensive trial experience, representing the Director in all levels of Court.

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