Marie Nickle
Address: 80 Birmingham Street, Unit C7, Toronto, ON, M8V 3W6
Lawyer Firm: Marie Nickle Law Firm
Phone: (905) 823-1232
First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Family Law
Marie is a lawyer, Mediator and Trainer. She is passionate about access to justice issues and about promoting a balanced, value driven resolution process for parties, that includes expert facilitationcoupled with necessary legal advice to ensure the best product for the public. Marie has been practicing family law since 1994. She started with the Toronto firm of Dickson Sachs Appell and Beaman (now Dickson Appell Lawyers) and later moved her practice to Mississauga. As of February 1, 2019, Marie’s office is located at 80 Birmingham Street, Toronto, Ontario in the Lakeshore and Islington area. Marie offers services in the areas of Mediation, Arbitration and Collaborative Practice. She has a Masters Degree from Osgoode Hall in the area of Alternate Dispute Resolution and she is an accredited Mediator with OAFM and with FDRIO. Marie is also a teacher and a trainer. She trains lawyers and professionals in the ADR process. She is a Faculty member at Humber College in the post graduate ADR program where she teaches Family Mediation and ADR Mechanisms in the Ontario court system. She is a Dispute Resolution Officer for the Brampton and Milton Superior Courts and a panel Mediator with Peel Family Services, the court connected mediation service at the Brampton Court. Marie was a panel lawyer with the Office of the Children’s Lawyer for approximately 6 years. She is a regular contributor of articles to the Peel Law Association newsletter, Peel Briefs, and a regular presenter for the program “Putting Kids First” offered through Peel Catholic Family Services. She is also a regular presenter at the Brampton Court Mandatory Information Sessions.