Odaro Omonuwa

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Address: Suite 204 – 819 Sargent Avenue. Winnipeg , Manitoba R3E 0B9
Lawyer Firm: Omonuwa Law Office
Phone: 204-779-0469
Fax: 204-779-0489
Email: omonuwa@mts.net
Website: www.OmonuwaLawOffice.com

Areas of Practice
Administrative Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Notarizations, Real Estate

Omonuwa Law Office is a full service law firm with a natural inclination to immigration law and immigration related matters.
Odaro Omonuwa has a solid and diverse academic background. In addition to having an LL.B. (Hons) degree in Law, he has a Master’s degree in Law (LL.M.) from the University of Manitoba, Canada and also a Master’s degree (MBA) in Corporate Finance.

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