Ralph Gordon Hildebrand

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Address: 1300-128 Pender St W, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1R8
Lawyer Firm: Lidstone & Company
Phone: (604) 899-2269
Fax: (604) 899-2281
Email: Ralph@telus.net
Website: www.lidstone.ca

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Civil Litigation, Construction Law, Corporate Counsel (In-House Counsel), Municipal Law, Privacy Law

After 4 years of a general civil litigation and insurance practice in downtown Vancouver, Ralph joined the City of Surrey as Deputy City Solicitor where he practiced for 18 years. Ralph joined Metro Vancouver as Corporate Counsel in 2008 and became Corporate Counsel/GM Legal and Legislative Services in 2012. He was responsible for the management of the Law Department, Legislative Services, Aboriginal Law and Environmental Regulation and Enforcement during his time at Metro Vancouver until November 2018.

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Page Views: 14 | Last Updated: October 26th, 2021

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